5 continents. 31 country.
One green technology.


Going green without disrupting the environment

Over 158,440 km2 surveyed
and counting...

Since 1997 our team has successfully completed over 100 survey projects on five continents, including the Arctic and Antarctic Peninsular. GeoResonance technology was applied to find hydrocarbons, groundwater, deposits of gold, copper, uranium, nickel, platinum, and other precious and base metals.

The effectiveness of GeoResonance has been proven by drilling and trials. The following is a small selection of projects for various commodities around the world:

Precise. Proven. Professional.
Please check out a small selection of our projects:

Lead & Zinc



Gold & Copper



Iron Ore



Gold & Copper






Oil & gas






Oil & gas









Oil & gas



. Gold & Silver



Oil & gas






Oil & gas

Barents Sea


Oil & gas






Oil & gas






Oil & gas






Oil & gas















Shale gas









Offshore gas






Coal & Gas



Oil & Gas



. . Gold & Platinum



Oil & Gas



Gas Condensate



. . Nuclear waste












. . . Platinum Nickel



. . Sunken munitions



. Sunken ship



Mineral water



Oil & Gas



. . Pipeline leaks






Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in GeoResonance technology. Please use this form if you have any questions about our services and we will get back to you very soon.

Lead & Zinc · Australia · 2024

GeoResonance Services:

High-Resolution Remote Sensing

Search Area:

14 km 2


9 weeks


High-Resolution Remote Sensing covered the territories of four exploration licences in the Oscar Range of the Lennard Shelf, targeting Mississippi Valley Type zinc-lead mineralisation.

A total of 17 anomalous zones associated with sphalerite were identified. Overall, 32 Test Points were studied to assess occurrence depths of lead and zinc mineralisation. Detailed cross-sectional analysis was performed on the four most significant anomalies.

Taking into account the extent of the anomalous zones and the peak intensity of Spectral Signatures of sphalerite, three Deposit–Type Anomalies were identified as potential exploration targets.

Gold & Copper · Philippines · 2021

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

72 km 2


12 weeks


The two-stage Remote Sensing process included a Remote Sensing Reconnaissance over the study area at a scale of 1:35,000, followed by High-Resolution Remote Sensing at a scale of 1:8,000.

During the Remote Sensing Reconnaissance stage, GeoResonance identified 12 anomalies indicating deposit types of gold mineralization and 3 anomalies indicating deposit types of copper mineralization.

The scope of the GeoResonance High-Resolution Remote Sensing stage was limited to 7 prospects that had been identified during the first stage.

Upon completion of the survey, recommendations for further exploration of the study area were produced.

Iron Ore · Somalia · 2018

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

1,824 km 2


8 weeks


The large-scale GeoResonance Remote Sensing Reconnaissance aimed to identify and map significant commercial-grade occurrences of iron ore and gold mineralization at scales of 1:75,000 to 1:100,000.

However, upon completion of the survey, the GeoResonance technology failed to identify anomalous zones of gold mineralization in the search area. As a result, the scope of the reconnaissance survey was increased to include the following target minerals: Copper (Cu), Platinum (Pt), Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Vanadium (V), Titanium (Ti), Zinc (Zn), Uranium (U), Tantalum (Ta), Niobium (Nb), Lithium (Li), Tin (Sn), Beryllium (Be), Molybdenum (Mo), Tungsten (W), and Lead (Pb).

Finally, eight anomalous zones were identified, six of which were anomalous to spectral signatures of Iron (Fe), Vanadium (V), and Titanium (Ti), while two zones were anomalous to spectral signatures of Tin (Sn). The six identified Fe-Ti-V anomalous zones have area sizes in the 1 km2 to 4 km2 range and suggest the presence of commercial Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits.

Gold & Copper · Canada · Gaspé Peninsula · 2017

GeoResonance Services:

High-Resolution Remote Sensing

Search Area:

25 km 2


9 weeks


GeoResonance geophysical study of a designated area of 25km2 in the province of Quebec aimed to identify and map areas of copper, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and gold mineralisation.

GeoResonance carried out Remote Sensing at 1:13,000 scale followed by High-Resolution Remote Sensing at 1:6,000 scale, to identify 4 anomalous zones of copper mineralisation, 2 anomalous zones of gold mineralisation, and 11 anomalous zones of aluminium bauxite. Distinct anomalous zones of chalcocite and chalcopyrite were not registered in the Search Area.

Oil · Lithuania · 2017

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

74 km 2


8 weeks


GeoResonance was contracted to survey a licence in the western part of Lithuania on the Baltic coast. The licence owner had completed an exploration well prior to the GeoResonance survey. The well encountered oil intervals of 65 metres but oil did not flow to the surface.

GeoResonance technology identified two significant Deposit Type Anomalies of hydrocarbons within the licence. The GeoResonance On-Site Survey Team carried out field measurement within identified anomalies. Two locations were selected for exploratory drilling to 1,300 metre depths

Oil & Gas · Mongolia · Govi-Altai Province · 2016

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

1,076 km 2


14 weeks


Geophysical survey by request from a Mongolian mining company, to identify hydrocarbon deposits in the licensed area.

GeoResonance 2-stage survey identified two Deposit Type Anomalies of oil. The anomalous zones of oil had area sizes of 70.3 km2 and 6.5 km2. A 14 km2 hydrocarbon trap was identified within the largest anomaly during the field works. Three locations inside the hydrocarbon trap were selected for exploratory drilling. Occurrence depths of hydrocarbon-bearing horizons were measured at 18 Measurement Points. Two significant oil horizons were detected in 1,240 - 1,310m and 2,310 - 2,375m depth intervals.

Oil initially in place reserves were estimated at 172 million barrels.

Gold Survey · Mexico · Michoacán · 2015

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

150 km 2


18 weeks


71 anomalies of gold mineralisation have been identified by high-resolution GeoResonance Remote Sensing. Survey results were delivered to the client on 1:3,000 scale maps.

Remote Sensing was followed by the GeoResonance On-Site Survey. The survey measured occurrences depth, constructed cross-sections and determined locations for drilling of exploration wells.

In July 2016 the client completed the drilling campaign - 25 drill holes (4,300 m). All holes successfully intersected mineralization with numerous quartz sulfide veins. Assay showed grades up to 39g/t Au, 60g/t Ag and 2.84% Cu.

Oil & Gas · Colombia · Choco & Tumaco · 2015

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

1,082 km 2


11 weeks


The Remote Sensing Reconnaissance was performed in the frame of the project commissioned by the Colombian National Hydrocarbon Agency. GeoResonance surveyed five blocks in the Colombian frontier basins of Choco and Tumaco.

During the survey, seven oil and two gas anomalies were identified in the search area, with hydrocarbon-bearing horizons at depths ranging from 1,050 to 1,930 meters. Further exploration is expected to take place in 2016-2017.

Chromite, Copper, Silver · Afghanistan · 2015

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

47 km 2


17 weeks


High-Resolution Remote Sensing of the search area identified 18 anomalous zones of the chromite ore" type. Three anomalous zones registered Spectral Signatures of copper and silver (Ag2S). A Test Point inside each identified anomaly was selected to determine occurrence depths of mineralised zones. Target intervals were determined between 6 and 107 metres deep. Remote Sensing data was presented on a high-resolution 1:10,000 scale map.

On-Site Survey of the search area detailed the contours of the mineralised zones and took over 80 measurements along 120 km "survey" line. A sample collection program was also included in the scope of the On-Site Survey. Recommendations for further explorations were presented in the final survey report.

Gold · Canada · Yukon Territory · 2015

GeoResonance Services:

High-Resolution Remote Sensing

Search Area:

11 km 2


2 weeks


The area of investigation in the Klondike Gold Fields was captured by three satellite images with resolution which corresponded to 1:5,000 scale map. High-resolution Remote Sensing identified 34 anomalous zones of gold mineralisation in the search area. An additional study was undertaken to determine locations and orientation of geological faults.

Remote Sensing results were compared against existing geochemical and magnetic surveys, as well as rock samples. GeoResonance results showed strong correlation with available geophysical data and sample analysis.

GeoResonance survey was executed in a fraction of time and cost in comparison to traditional geophysical methods. To increase the accuracy, the client was recommended to undertake high-resolution Remote Sensing at 1:1,000 scale, followed by the On-Site Survey.

Oil & Gas · USA · Utah · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

160 km 2


4 weeks


Remote Sensing of 160 km 2 in Sevier County of central Utah registered two oil Deposit Type Anomalies.

The contours of one of the anomalous zones and occurrence depths of hydrocarbons correlated with the producing Covenant Oil Field.

GeoResonance produced a forecast for hydrocarbon occurrences at the location of an exploration well. The well was completed in 2014. The drilling results have confirmed GeoResonance Remote Sensing data.

Gold & Silver · Madagascar · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

High-Resolution Remote Sensing

Search Area:

34 km 2


6 weeks


High-Resolution Remote Sensing of four blocks in Madagascar identified nine anomalous zones of "gold mineralisation" type and three anomalies of "silver mineralisation type". A Test Point inside each anomalous zone was selected to evaluate depth occurrences. Processing of high-resolution satellite imagery identified targeted intervals of gold and silver mineralisation. Occurrence depths ranged from 2 to 84 metres.

GeoResonance survey results were presented on 1:2,000 scale maps and detailed contours of anomalous zones, distribution of anomalous signals, regional fault lines and recommended exploration profiles.

Oil & Gas · Kazakhstan · Eastern Aral · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

2,356 km 2


29 weeks


Three oil and one gas anomalies were identified, totalling 27 km2 in size. Occurrence depths of hydrocarbons measured 1,900 - 2,700 metres. Reserves in place were estimated for two anomalies which present commercial value.

Targeted 2D seismic survey will commence in 2015 to prepare for the drilling program.

Copper · Mongolia · Ömnögovi Province · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

980 km 2


21 weeks


Large-scale survey by request of a Mongolian mining company, to identify and delineate copper deposits.

GeoResonance Remote Sensing of the search area identified a Deposit Type Anomaly of copper mineralisation, which spanned 14 km2. Subsequent On-Site Survey of the anomalous zone delineated the ore body with concentrations of Copper 0.1%, 0.5%, and 0.9%.

Hydrocarbons · Barents Sea · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

39,742 km 2


13 weeks


Four major blocks in the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea with combined area size of 39,742 km2 were subjected to Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing reconnaissance identified 2 anomalous zones of the "gas deposit" type and 13 anomalous zones of "gas & condensate reservoir" type. Combined area size of all identified hydrocarbon anomalies was 1,613 km2 (4.06% of the search area).

Remote Sensing was extended to the 4,150 km2 block in the Kara Sea. 4 Deposit Type Anomalies of "oil & gas & condensate" were identified. The total area size of all anomalies was 510 km2.

GeoResonance Remote Sensing mapped contours of all hydrocarbon anomalies, occurrence depths, types of hydrocarbon in every horizon, determined reservoir pressure and tectonics. Remote Sensing data matched drilling data from Universitetskaya-1 and Universitetskaya-2 oil and gas wells.

Oil & Gas · Australia · Queensland · 2013

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

1,101 km 2


8 weeks


Four oil and one gas anomaly were identified in the designated area in the Surat Basin. Remote Sensing reported occurrence depths of oil- and gas-bearing horizons, estimated reservoir rocks and their porosity, produced recommendations for further exploration.

GeoResonance Remote Sensing results matched historical drilling data in the vicinity of the survey area.

Stonehenge · United Kingdom · England · 2013

GeoResonance Services:

R&D On-Site Survey

Search Area:

3 km 2


3 weeks


The GeoResonance team undertook a survey to study the strength of electromagnetic field of the Earth in the vicinity of the Stonehenge. In particular, the survey focused on measurements of the spectral components of the natural pulsed EM field of the Earth.

Several frequencies which registered highest amplitudes were selected for detailed analysis. The measurements showed that frequencies in 15.6 MHz - 17.6 MHz range were registering high amplitudes within a round-shaped area. The round-shaped area had 80m diameter and was centred on the Stonehenge structure.

In total, eight concentric cycles with high frequency responses were identified: d1= 16m, d2= 33m, d3= 75m, d4= 105m, d5= 150m, d6= 200m, d7= 300m, d8= 400m.

Remote Sensing of the location revealed the Stonehenge was located near the intersection of two tectonic faults. the study concluded the geoelectric anomalies could be caused by vertical quartz veins which resided at 14-29 m depths.

Oil & Gas · Australia · South Australia · 2013

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

218 km 2


7 weeks


A tenement in the Cooper Basin, South Australia was surveyed for an Australian ASX-listed company. 18 hydrocarbon accumulations were identified – 5 accumulations anomalous to oil, 12 anomalous to gas, and one anomalous to both oil and gas. Occurrence depths of hydrocarbon-bearing horizons and reservoir porosity were determined.

GeoResonance results were confirmed by historical drilling data and one exploration well.

Uranium survey · Mongolia · 2014

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

26,000 km 2


28 weeks


Large-scale survey by request of the Mongolian Government, to identify and delineate uranium deposits.

GeoResonance results correlated with EM surveys and were confirmed by the core-drilling program.

The GeoResonance team ha received Government awards for successful and timely execution of the survey.

Oil & Gas · Indonesia · Brantas region · 2012

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

3,050 km 2


27 weeks


GeoResonance surveyed five blocks. Three of five blocks were offshore. Remote Sensing identified 18 anomalous zones of hydrocarbons with occurrence depths ranging from 500 to 4,050 metres.

GeoResonance On-Site Survey took measurements within anomalies, to determine Virtual Boreholes. GeoResonance equipment was deployed on the boat, to take measurements in the sea. Probable reserves of hydrocarbons were reported to the client:
Estimated reserves of oil – 14.5 million ton.
Estimated reserves of gas – 57.8 billion m3.

The GeoResonance team ha received Government awards for successful and timely execution of the survey.

A seismic survey had been conducted on two blocks and hydrocarbon deposits had been discovered prior to our survey. GeoResonance survey confirmed the locations of the deposits and matched the seismic data.

Groundwater · Iran · Yazd province · 2012

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

560 km 2


20 weeks


Identified and delineated three aquifers of drinking water at 150 – 190 m depths. Two streams of salt water were identified at 2,000 m and 3,800 m. Delineated eight fractures filled with water at 80 m, 170 m, 200 m, and 400 m depths.

Four existing wells were located in the search area and produced fresh water. The survey determined the wells were located in fractures, which were identified by GeoResonance.

The client planned further drilling in 2013-2014.

Oil & Gas · USA · Utah · 2011

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing Reconnaissance

Search Area:

100 km 2


17 weeks


GeoResonance was contracted to survey several blocks in the western regions of the state of Utah. GeoResonance technology identified and delineated seven Deposit Type Anomalies of hydrocarbons.

Upon completion of the survey the client auctioned the blocks with identified deposits.

Oil Survey · Nigeria · South Coast · 2011

GeoResonance Services:

High-Resolution Remote Sensing

Search Area:

10 km 2


10 weeks


GeoResonance Remote Sensing was applied to inspect two two oil rigs located near the south coast of Nigeria. High-Resolution Remote Sensing identified hydrocarbon-bearing horizons, which matched the actual depths of producing intervals in the oil fields.

GeoResonance identified the reasons of weak oil inflow in one of the rigs.

Remote Sensing results matched the seismic surveys and the actual drilling data.

Geothermal · Turkey · Central region · 2011

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

200 km 2


6 weeks


Survey was performed for SANKO GROUP company. Remote Sensing identified an anomaly of geothermal aquifer at 2,450 metre depth. The temperature of groundwater was estimated at 248 °C.

Remote Sensing results were confirmed by drilling.

Titanium-Zirconium · Vietnam · East coast · 2011

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

329 km 2


11 weeks


Five licensed blocks were subjected to GeoResonance Remote Sensing at resolution, which corresponded to 1:50,000 map scale. The client provided a sample of Titanium-Zirconium ore from one of the blocks.

Remote Sensing identified four zones which were anomalous to Titanium-Zirconium mineralisation. An additional Titanium-Zirconium anomaly was registered offshore, adjacent to one of the blocks. All anomalies had different sizes and registered different intensities of anomalous signal.

GeoResonance data correlated with the results of the sampling program and was later confirmed by core-drilling.

Groundwater · Mongolia · Gobi desert, Dalanzadgad · 2011

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

2,200 km 2


20 weeks


Remote Sensing identified and delineated four anomalous zones of groundwater. Aquifers of drinking water were detected at 70 – 110 metre and 190 – 280 metre depths.

During On-Site Survey, coordinates for drilling of five wells were selected.

Estimated reserves of groundwater - 100 million ton.

One well was drilled at the specified location. The well yielded drinking water of commercial quantities.

Shale gas · USA · Texas · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

128 km 2


23 weeks


Remote Sensing identified 25 gas anomalies in the survey area. Combined area size of the anomalies was estimated at 7.8 km2. Each anomaly registered six horizons at depths ranging from 1,500 to 2,400 metres. Another gas deposit (3,700 m deep, with gas pressure 60 MPa) was located 2km north from the survey area.

On-Site Survey determined horizon thicknesses, ranging from 50 to 60 metres. Gas pressure was measured at 50 – 60 MPa. Out of 25 gas anomalies, only 13 had commercial quantities of shale gas.

Subsequent drilling has confirmed survey data. The well is producing gas at 62MPa. Actual well depth is 3,710 metres, depth estimation error - 7 metres. The deposit is currently under development.

Oil survey · USA · Utah · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

200 km 2


13 weeks


Identified and studied a hydrocarbon deposit for an American company "Python-AG" (Project "Rocky Ridge” 33/1). Three oil horizons were registered at 1,500 – 2,500 metre depths. The coordinates for a new well drilling were recommended to the Customer.

Estimated probable recoverable reserves – 30 million barrels.

An exploration well was drilled to a depth of 2,600 metres. Oil well coring confirmed the location of all three oil horizons.

Coal survey · Russia · Krasnoyarsk region · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

235 km 2


14 weeks


Identification of coal deposits and remote sensing study of coal grades. Four coal deposits were registered with coal horizons at 150 m depths.

Depth occurrences of coal were confirmed by 20 drillholes. Depth accuracy ranged from 5 to 7 metres, accuracy of the estimations of deposit thickness was in 0.2 – 1.7 metre range.

Offshore gas · Turkey · Ardeşen · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

312 km 2


24 weeks


Remote Sensing identified several hydrocarbon Deposit Type Anomalies on the shore of the Black Sea. A part of the anomaly was located onshore. The combined area size of gas anomalies was estimated at 94 km 2.

The On-Site Survey was conducted from a small ship, to take measurements of the offshore part of the anomaly. The coastal part of the anomalous zone was located in a rugged terrain, which made it impossible to uniformly cover it. In total, 101 line km studies were covered during the survey, with sensing depths of 0 - 5,000 m.

Three types of horizons were identified and mapped: "gas", "gas + water" and "aquifer". In addition, reservoir rock types were determined.

Ardeşen was recommended for further prospecting, as total thickness of gas-bearing horizons was estimated between 44 and 72 metres. The average reservoir pressure was measured at 250 atm. Probable reserves of gas in place were estimated at 33.4 billion m 3. A location for an exploration well was selected.

Groundwater · Ethiopia · Danakil desert · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

1,000 km 2


8 weeks


Surveyed the area to identify reserves of groundwater required to mine potassium salts in the region. Aquifers were located at 145 – 190 metre depths.

Four wells were drilled and confirmed survey results – groundwater was discovered at 150 – 190 metre depths. The Wells yielded 100 litres of water per minute.

Coal & Methane · Russia · Kemerovo region · 2010

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

60 km 2


18 weeks


R&D project to determine the thickness of coal deposits in the ‘Erunakovskaja-VIII’ coal mine. Three coal horizons with total length of 1.5 km were identified and delineated.

Accumulations of methane were identified below coal string of the existing coal mine, at 420 – 720 metre depths.

GeoResonance results were supported by the results of the electric survey and were confirmed by drilling and coring. The presence of gas was confirmed by increased inflow of natural gas at 420 metres during coal extraction.

Oil & Gas Technology Trials · USA · Utah · 2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

250 km 2


10 weeks


GeoResonance technology Trials. 20 active hydrocarbon sites were surveyed by GeoResonance.

Two types of sites were included in the Trials: 1 - producing oil and gas wells, 2 - sites with known absence of hydrocarbons (dry holes). The GeoResonance team had to determine the presence (or absence) of hydrocarbons at each site and determine occurrence depths of hydrocarbon intervals. Survey results were presented to independent arbiters and compared with available drilling data.

GeoResonance technology identified the presence and absence of hydrocarbons with 100% match with the Ground Truth data. Depth measurements had errors within ± 2% for actual hydrocarbon-bearing intervals at 1,840 m and 2,880 m.

Gold & Platinum · Turkey · Manisa · 2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

184 km 2


19 weeks


During the Remote Sensing stage four separate potentially gold-bearing sites were studied. Five anomalous zones of gold mineralisation were identified and mapped. Occurrence depths of gold mineralisation zones were determined at 3-27 m, 63-86 m, 112-133 m

Remote Sensing of platinum Spectral Signatures was undertaken separately and identified six zones of platinum mineralisation with occurrence depth intervals at 40-45 m, 110-125 m, 275-290 m. All the zones of platinum mineralisation were also gold-mineralised. But some of the gold anomalies showed no signs of platinum mineralisation.

On-Site Survey was executed to study the anomalous zones in detail. Over 62 km of "survey lines" over the rugged mountainous terrain were mapped by the GeoResonance team. Based on the cross-sections of identified anomalous zones, the most prospective areas of gold and platinum mineralisation were recommended for further exploration.

Oil & Gas · Turkey · Artvin · 2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

407 km 2


21 weeks


Remote Sensing of the search zone identified a hydrocarbon anomaly with estimated area size of 47.4 km 2.

Conditions of the field survey were made difficult by rugged terrain and numerous hill flanks. In total, 184.7 line km were surveyed by the team. 11 "Virtual Boreholes" were measured with depth sounding in 0-5,000 m range.

The contours of oil and gas anomaly were mapped more accurately. The area size of the oil and gas anomaly was estimated at 39.6 km 2.

The "Virtual Boreholes" determined the occurrence depths of the following types of hydrocarbon-bearing horizons: "gas", "gas+water", "oil" and "aquifer". Reservoir rock types were mapped and presented in stratigraphic columns and cross-sections.

GeoResonance mapped the thicknesses of hydrocarbon horizons, which varied from 38 to 92 metres. Potential oil reserves in place were estimated at 52 million tonnes. Recoverable reserves were estimated at 6-8 million tonnes. The location of the first exploration well was selected.

Gas Condensate · Ukraine · Donetsk region · 2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

60 km 2


18 weeks


GeoResonance identified and delineated a gas deposit near ‘Novokonstantinovskaya’ uranium mine. The gas condensate field was located under the granite shield at the depth of 2,500 metres.

The results were examined by The Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine in 2009. GeoResonance findings correlated with the results of electrical survey.

Groundwater · Greece · Cyprus · 2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

100 km 2


16 weeks


Identified aquifers of drinking water at 180 - 200 metre depths. Estimated pH factor was 6.5 - 7.0.

Survey data was confirmed by drilling. Actual occurrence depths were 185 – 205 metres, pH factor was 6.8. The water wells yielded 45 tonnes per hour.

Groundwater · Mongolia · Gobi desert · 2008

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

800 km 2


23 weeks


By request of ‘MON-ZIM-INTERNATIONAL’ Co. Ltd (Ulan-Baator) GeoResonance discovered groundwater aquifers in the South of the Gobi Desert. Streams of fresh water were detected at 270 – 320 metres. The width of decompression zones which provided migratory pathways to groundwater were measured at 4.2 km.

Several locations for drilling water wells were selected. GeoResonance reported the following parameters for the selected locations: water-bearing interval at 280 - 320m, pH 7.0 – 8.0, reservoir pressure – 25 atm, yield rate – 15 tonnes per hour.

Survey data was confirmed by 6 boreholes. The boreholes were drilled to 275 – 320 metre depths and yielded high quality drinking water (pH 7.3) at 18 tonnes per hour rate.

Uranium · Ukraine · Kirovograd · 2006 - 2008

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

130 km 2


2.6 years


GeoResonance technology won the tender to survey uranium deposits for the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine. The multi-staged exploration program went for over 2 years

GeoResonance identified and delineated seven anomalous zones of the "uranium deposit" type. Zones of uranium mineralisation were detected at 120 – 1,100 metre depths.

All survey results were confirmed by the core-drilling program.

Radioactive waste · Ukraine · 2008

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

2.6 km 2


4 weeks


GeoResonance technology was employed to study the integrity of the nuclear waste storage facility, to identify subsurface areas outside of the facility, which had been contaminated by isotopes of Cesium-137.

The storage facility contained isotopes α,β, γ, which created gamma radiation above the facility in the range 0.13 μSv/hour - 0.26 μSv/hour. Contaminated by Cesium-137 soil also emitted gamma radiation at 0.26 μSv/hour. Opening of the storage facility to examine its engineering integrity was not an option.

High-resolution Remote Sensing identified anomalous zones of contaminated Cs-137 soil at 1:300 scale. Remote Sensing identified contours of soils with different contamination. Also, a contaminated area outside of the storage perimeter was detected.

On-Site survey detected a narrow fracture 4 metres under the surface, which provided a migratory pathway for the contaminated materials.

GeoResonance results were confirmed by the soil samples which were taken outside of the storage facility.

Diamonds · Congo · 2008

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing

Search Area:

100 km 2


12 weeks


GeoResonance Remote Sensing was applied to search for diamondiferous deposits on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 16 formations of diamondiferous rocks were identified along the river bed, 6 to 8 metres deep.

Diamonds were found during the prospecting stage at 8 identified locations. The licensed territory was evaluated at US $325m.

Sunken munitions · Ukraine · Black Sea · 2007

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

>70,000 km 2


4.5 years


During 2006 - 2010 GeoResonance participated in the Government program to search and disarm stockpiled chemical warfare, which was disposed in the coastal Black Sea during World War II. The program was managed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine.

Remote Sensing reconnaissance identified locations of chemical substances in containers (organophosphate, organ chlorine, arsenic). During the On-Site Survey the team of divers recovered more than 1,600 objects. Some chemical warfare agents were 6-32 m under water, buried under silt layers.

Platinum & Nickel · UAE · Fujairah Emirate · 2007

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

480 km 2


23 weeks


A complex survey for a number of commodities was undertaken in the Fujairah Emirate in UAE. Targeted substances included platinum, gold, nickel, diamonds, uranium and groundwater.

Remote Sensing identified anomalous zones platinum, nickel, groundwater and diamonds. One uranium anomaly was identified outside of the search area. Spectral Signatures of gold were not registered.

On-Site survey improved the accuracy of the Remote Sensing stage. The diamond anomaly was classified as the "industrial-grade-diamond-deposit". One nickel and two platinum anomalies were delineated at 3 - 50 metre depths. 4 aquifers of drinking water were also identified.

Survey results were confirmed by geological studies.

Groundwater · Mauritania · Sahara desert · 2006

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

2,500 km 2


17 weeks


By request from the Ministry of National Security of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, GeoResonance carried out a search for underground drinking water in Sahara, near town of Attar. A powerful aquifer of drinking water was found at the depth of 130 – 150 metres. Estimated pH factor: 7.0 – 8.0. Estimated yield rate: 800 tonnes per hour.

Surveyed results were confirmed by drilled water well. Actual parameters were: occurrence depths of the aquifer was 125 – 150 m, pH factor 7.5, yield rate – 920 tonnes per hour.

The ‘Armenia’ ship · Ukraine · Black Sea · 2005

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

1,000 km 2


12 weeks


In collaboration with the Underwater Heritage Department of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, GeoResonance undertook a survey to identify the location of the 'Armenia' ship, which sunk in the Black Sea during World War II.

To determine characteristic Spectral Signature of the ship, samples of the targeted materials that made up the Armenia were obtained from the wharf in Nikolaev and included steel alloys (the hull), iron (chimneys), copper (wires), brass.

Remote Sensing, followed by the On-Site Survey, identified an underwater structure at 520m depth, which comprised 100m and 10m long objects, 40 metres apart. The smaller 10m long fragment was presumably the torpedoed Armenia’s bow.

The location was inspected by the 'Langouste' bathyscaphe, which participated in the search. At 500m depth the 'Langouste' discovered a 40m deep submarine canyon at the pinpointed location. The bathyscaphe was not equipped with a magnetometer and metal detector to register the hull of the ship. However, the crew visually identified a “100m long smooth surface”. Contrary to unreliable Wikipedia blogs, we firmly believe the final resting place of the Armenia has been located.

Mineral water · Ukraine · Morshin · 2005

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

17 km 2


11 weeks


Technology was applied to locate sources of mineralised groundwater near Morshyn Resort. Mineral water in Morshyn contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfates.

GeoResonance identified significant aquifers of mineral water at 450 - 460 m depths, which were located along geological faults. Several zones of vertical migration of groundwater were identified and recommended for drilling water bores.

Hydrocarbons research · Antarctica · 2004

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

407 km 2


21 weeks


Remote Sensing of the search zone identified a hydrocarbon anomaly with estimated area size of 47.4 km 2.

Conditions of the field survey were made difficult by rugged terrain and numerous hill flanks. In total, 184.7 line km were surveyed by the team. 11 "Virtual Boreholes" were measured with depth sounding in 0-5,000 m range.

The contours of oil and gas anomaly were mapped more accurately. The area size of the oil and gas anomaly was estimated at 39.6 km 2.

The "Virtual Boreholes" determined the occurrence depths of the following types of hydrocarbon-bearing horizons: "gas", "gas+water", "oil" and "aquifer". Reservoir rock types were mapped and presented in stratigraphic columns and cross-sections.

GeoResonance mapped the thicknesses of hydrocarbon horizons, which varied from 38 to 92 metres. Potential oil reserves in place were estimated at 52 million tonnes. Recoverable reserves were estimated at 6-8 million tonnes. The location of the first exploration well was selected.

Pipeline leaks · Ukraine · Black Sea · 2003

GeoResonance Services:

On-Site Survey

Search Area:

40 km 2


2 weeks


By request from KRYMNEFTEGAZ, GeoResonance inspected the underwater gas pipeline in the Black Sea, to identify pipeline sections with methane leakages.

To survey the area, GeoResonance mobile equipment was mounted on a floatation platform. The GeoResonance team located six zones, which leaked gas at 30 metre depths. All leakages were confirmed by divers.

Groundwater · Ukraine · Crimea · 2003-2009

GeoResonance Services:

Remote Sensing & On-Site

Search Area:

1,100 km 2


6 years


By request from the Crimean Administration and Sevastopol City Administration, GeoResonance participated in a program to identify underground sources of drinking water on the Crimean Peninsular. GeoResonance technology was used to identify and map aquifers, determine their occurrence depths, determine chemical composition of groundwater (pH factor) and estimate water inflow.

Over 160 location for drilling water boreholes were selected. Occurrence depths of aquifers ranged from 20 to 1,000 metres. All boreholes yielded high quality drinking water in industrial quantities. Drinking water (pH 6.0 – 7.0) was found at the depths of 50 – 150 metres, while geothermal water was found at 1,000 metre depth, 85 °C temperature.

Over 100 water wells were drilled in Sevastopol and over 20 were drilled in Simferopol. The drilling confirmed the depth accuracy of ±(5 – 8) metres. Accuracy of pH estimation was ±0.5.